By Vichet Morm on January 13, 2023

Sales Person

A salesperson is a person whose job is to sell products or services.

Sales Persons are created in a hierarchical manner in ERPNext. You can create salespersons and add other salespersons under the main salespersons.

To access the Sales Person list

go to : Home> Selling > Selling >​​​ Sales Person

1 create sales person

  1. Go to the Sales Person list and click on New.
  2. Enter the Sales Person Name.
  3. Select the Employee for the Sales Person.
  4. Tick 'Group Node' checkbox, if you would like to add more Sales Person under this Sales Person.
  5. Click on 'Create New'.

Sales Person Tree

2 Feature

2.1 Assign Sales Targets to Sales Person

You can assign sales targets for sales persons and track the progress.

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