By Kimky Mao on January 31, 2023


Contact represents a person.

A contact may be associated with a Lead, Customer, Supplier, Shareholder, Sales Partner or a User.

You can also add contact as a standalone record without linking it to any of the entities listed above.

1. How to create a Contact

  1. Go to the Contact list and click on New.
  2. Enter First Name and Last Name.
  3. Choose the status if the contact is passive, is open to contact or has replied.
  4. Enter contact details like email, phone, etc.
  5. Save.

2. Features

2.1 Link a Contact to Multiple Entities

A contact may be linked to multiple customers or multiple suppliers. A contact can also be linked to customers and suppliers at the same time.

2.2 Invite the Contact as a User

You can allow contacts of your customers and suppliers to log into your ERPNext system and view data relevant to them.You can send an email invitation to a contact by clicking on 'Invite as User' button.

Invite Contact as a User

3. Related Topics

  1. Customer
  2. Supplier
  3. Sales Partner

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