By Tinut on November 3, 2022

Accounts Setting 

There are various account settings in ERPNext to restrict and configure actions in the Accounting module.

1. Invoice and Billing

1.1 Invoice Cancellation

1. Unlink Payment on Cancellation of Invoice

If checked, the system will unlink the payment against the respective invoice. On unlink checked, you can now cancel and amend the invoices. But the payments not be linked and considered advance payments. By default, if "Unlink payment on Cancellation of Invoice" unchecked and a Payment Entry is submitted, the linked invoice cannot be canceled until the Payment Entry is also canceled.

2. Unlink Advance Payment on Cancellation of Order

Similar to the previous option, this unlinks any advance payments made against Purchase/Sales Orders.

3. Delete Accounting and Stock Ledger Entries on the deletion of Transaction

Enabling this will allow the deletion of linked General Ledger and Stock Ledger Entries on Canceling invoices and receipts.

1.2 Invoicing Features

1. Check Supplier Invoice Number Uniqueness

When checked, Purchase Invoices with the same "Supplier Invoice No" will not be allowed. This is useful to avoid duplicate entries.

But if the "Check Supplier Invoice Number Uniqueness" is unchecked it will allowed save and submit the invoice with the same Supplier and Supplier Invoice Number.

1.Automatically Fetch Payment Terms from Order

Enabling this will automatically fetch the Payment Terms from a Purchase/Sales Order to its linked Purchase/Sales Invoice.

If you unchecked, the Payment Schedule will be not fetched.

3. Enable Common Party Accounting

If checked, an adjustment Journal Entry will be posted automatically on the creation of Sales/Purchase Invoices against common Customers & Suppliers. For more details, visit Common Party Accounting (Link)

4. Allow multi-currency invoices against single party account

Enabling this will allow creation of multi-currency invoices against single party account in company currency.

1.3 Reports Setting

1. Enable Custom Cash Flow Format

You may choose to use Custom Cash Flow Formats to customize what the Cash Flow report looks like.

1.4 Deferred Accounting Settings

1. Book Deferred Entries Based On

The deferred revenue amount can be booked based on two criteria. The default option here is "Days". If "Days" is selected, the deferred revenue amount will be booked based on the number of days in each month and if "Months" is selected, then it will be booked based on the number of months.

 For Ex: If "Days" is selected and $12000 revenue has to be deferred over a period of 12 months, then $986.30 will be for the month having 30 days and $1019.17 will be booked for the month having 31 days. If "Months" is selected, $1000 deferred revenue will be booked each month irrespective of the number of days in a month.

2. Automatically Process Deferred Accounting Entry

This setting is enabled by default. In case you don't want the deferred accounting entries to be posted automatically you can disable this setting. If this setting is disabled deferred accounting will have to be processed manually using Process Deferred Accounting.

3. Book Deferred Entries Via Journal Entry

By default, Ledger Entries are posted directly to book deferred revenue against an invoice. In order to book this deferred amount posting via Journal Entry, this option can be enabled.

4. Submit Journal Entries

This option is applicable only if deferred accounting entries are posted via Journal Entry. By default, the Journal Entries for deferred posting are kept in the Draft state and a user has to verify those entries and submit them manually. If this option is enabled, Journal Entries will be automatically submitted without any user intervention. This option will only be displayed if Book Deferred Entries Via Journal Entry is checked.

1.5 Tax Settings

1. Determine Address Tax Category From

Tax category can be set on Addresses. An address can be a Shipping or Billing address. Set which address to select when applying Tax Category.

2. Automatically Add Taxes and Charges from Item Tax Template

Enabling this will populate the Taxes table in transactions if an Item Tax Template is set for an Item and that Item is selected in the transaction.

1.6 Print Settings

1. Show Inclusive Tax In Print

The applied taxes will be shown in the print view.

2. Show Payment Schedule in Print

The Payment Schedule table is visible on using Payment Terms. Enabling this will show this table in print view.

1.7 Currency Exchange Settings

1. Allow Stale Exchange Rates

This should be unchecked if you want ERPNext to check the age of records fetched from Currency Exchange in foreign currency transactions. If it is unchecked, the exchange rate field will be read-only in documents. Stale Days is the number of days to use when deciding if a Currency Exchange record is stale. This is valid when 'Allow Stale Rates' is "disabled". So, if the Stale Days are set as 10, stale rates that are 10 days will be allowed. If Allow Stale Rates is enabled, there is no time limit on the age of stale rates. If stale rates are enabled, the order of fetching is:

  1. Latest rate from the Currency Exchange form
  2. If no Currency Exchange is found latest rate as per market is fetched automatically.

If stale rates are disabled, the order of fetching is:

  1. The latest rate from Currency Exchange forms up to the number of days set in 'Stale Days.
  2. If no Currency Exchange is found Latest rate as per market is fetched automatically.

2. Credit Limits

1. Over Billing Allowance (%)

The percentage by which you can overbill transactions. For example, if the order value is $100 for an Item and percentage here is set as 10% then you are allowed to bill for $110.

2. Role Allowed to Over Bill

Users with this role are allowed to overbill above the allowance percentage.

3. Role allowed to bypass Credit Limit

Select the role that is allowed to submit transactions that exceed the credit limits set. The credit limit can be set in the Customer form.

3. POS

1. Create Ledger Entries for Change Amount

If checked, for a Point of Sale invoice, the system will post ledger entries considering the change amount given.

4. Assets

1. Book Asset Depreciation Entry Automatically

When checked, an automatic entry for an asset depreciation will be created based on the first date set. For example, yearly depreciation for an item will be scheduled for the next 3/4 years based on the Number of Depreciation Booked set in the Asset master. For more details, visit the Asset Depreciation page.

5. Account Closing

1. Accounts Frozen Till Date

Freeze accounting transactions up to a specified date, nobody can make/modify entries except the specified Role.

2. Role Allowed to Set Frozen Accounts and Edit Frozen Entries

Users with this Role are allowed to set frozen accounts and create/modify accounting entries against frozen accounts.

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